nicola roberts 2011_03

images Lucky Day: Nicola Roberts nicola roberts 2011_03. Nicola Roberts is many thingsNicola Roberts is many things

venetian05-11 03:38 PMKodi,

From the bottom of your heart can you tell the forum that there was no discrimination against Tamils in Sri Lanka after its independence from Great Britain.

War is in the northern and eastern provinces. Sinhala and Muslims were driven out of this area by the LTTE. Tamils live all over the country. Tamils lead regular life in other areas of the country that's not succumbed to the war, this includes the capital, colombo. They conduct business, attend universities/schools, they lead a regular life just like any other sinhala or muslims. Tamils lead prosperous lives in other parts than the north and east. The reason they can't live in the north or east is due to their own LTTE, the group that was supposed to liberate tamils.

If there's ethnic cleansing or genocide against tamils, Sinhala and muslim people should be killing tamils all over the country. This is not case in Sri Lanka. I have tamil friends and classmates, we went to school together. How come there are tamil ministers in the parliament. Parliment members Lakshman Kadirgamar and Jeyaraj Fernandopulle both tamils and were killed by the LTTE not the gov. How can this be ethnic cleansing?

wallpaper Nicola Roberts is many things nicola roberts 2011_03. Tony RobertsTony Roberts

samay07-15 01:34 PMMy son recently finished his high school and wanted to do Dental degree in India. My current situation is I have applied for adjustment of status in July 2007. Me and my family got the EAD and AP. My priority date is Eb3-November 2005. WIth this mess, I am not sure when I will get my green card.
My question is:
Can I send my son to India for his studies when the adjustment of status is pending. Will it be considered as abondaned if he is out of US when the adjustment of status is in progress?.
Is there any specific forms for this type of situation so that he can go for studies in India and continue the adjustment of status.


If your son has a AP then he can go study in India so long as he comes back every year and renews his AP. If he continues to do this his status will not be considered abandoned.

nicola roberts 2011_03. Today, Nicola Roberts releasedToday, Nicola Roberts released

apb12-14 02:24 PMI really don't see how removing the per country ceilings alone without increasing the anual quota will help the entire comminity. If you do that alone all it will do is make the date retrogressed for all the countries even further. So where's the gain?
Getting the anual quota increased, not counting dependents in the quota and recapturing visas from passed years will help EVERYBODY.

If people want to think that something petty as removing the per country quota is going to solve all our problms then all the best (and God bless us all) ! :cool:

PS - Pardon me if this sounds harsh but this is how I see it.

We need to understand that the basic premise of the removing the per country limit uses the assumption that there is enough visa for all of us. But sadly this is not true. We have ask for increasing the GC limit from 140000 to xyz. The last increase was in 1990 which was after 14 years. Now 18 years have passed and there is no change in that direction.

Increasing limit cannot be fought in the court. It requires changes in law. Removing dependents from EB based GC consumption also cannot be decided in court. But removing per country limit for EB/GC can be decided in court. Just because we are fighting for one does not mean we are ignoring other agendas of IV.

2011 Tony Roberts nicola roberts 2011_03. Nicola Roberts: Cinderella#39;sNicola Roberts: Cinderella#39;s

angelfire7605-29 09:22 PMFive letter word: U N I T Y

How many EB1 people do you see on this board?



NNReddy09-03 06:06 PMIt's a sad day indeed for India(and AP in particular) to loose a dynamic leader with a vision. Go to every village in Andhra and ask them are they better off now compared to six years ago. YSR did a lot to AP, would have done much more if he lived.
He made money, most of it legally, by establishing companies and getting contracts and positioning them for growth. Everyone had opportunity to do it. He also did a lot for poor people. Show me any other politician in india who had the vision or energy YSR has. Now that he died, it's really sad that we come up with so many things against him.
Look at US media/people, kennedy died last week, did they say everything he got was because he was born as kennedy, he is indeed born into the family and family choose him as a senator when JFK became president. he became senator because of his birth, but he did lot of good, fought for health care, immigration and against war.
It's not how you got the opportunity, but what you did with opportunity. YSR was born in middle class family, he climbed the ladder thru hard work. kennedy was born into wealth/privileage, he used it to further liberty. Yeah, both of them were not perfect, but the good they did outbalances the bad they did. What about all of us, what are we doing, just working in non-descript jobs, are we contributing anything to mankind(apart from our family) or nature?

nicola roberts 2011_03. Nicola Roberts makes our cutNicola Roberts makes our cut

desibechara10-09 03:48 PMhi:

But is it possible to continue to work on TN1 Visa and change jobs and not apply for the GC? Can one continue to do that?



nicola roberts 2011_03. member, Nicola Roberts:member, Nicola Roberts:

PlainSpeak01-13 03:38 PMPlainspeak - From one girl to another - you have a lot of time to kill :) For members who did not get worked up by your post, everyone has had a good laugh! Thanks.

Trying to have a discussion on your points is meaningless (at least to me) as I do not believe in conceit.

BTW, you don't have to respond to my post, as I will not be checking it.
Plainspeak - From one girl to another - you have a lot of time to kill For members who did not get worked up by your post, everyone has had a good laugh! Thanks.
You know from one girl to another if you are trying to be scarcastic please dont because you do not know how to. Just come out and say your piece and if it is appended with abuse (Well whats new with IV members)

Trying to have a discussion on your points is meaningless (at least to me) as I do not believe in conceit.Meaningless.
Did you say the same when the flower campaing was done and let me tell you that one succesfull campaing was after of 100 failures. So for you to decide on my points as meaningless is your right to do so and yes even say it out aloud in the forum (To get some laughs at my expense. I donot mind hey it is a free country). What can i say. An effort is an effort and there is no belitting it. Conceit whaaaaa wheeer wheeenn Ok i will let it slide...............

BTW, you don't have to respond to my post, as I will not be checking it. Oh
but i do because whether you check it or not i wil lreply back becasue here on a forum an answer is a sign of respect

2010 Today, Nicola Roberts released nicola roberts 2011_03. Lucky Day: Nicola RobertsLucky Day: Nicola Roberts

number3003-27 02:38 PMI am just wondering.....
when will the day come when a lot of us will rush to Delhi.....braving the cold/heat....stand for hours........dancing to tunes of pop singers......while awaiting our beloved PM to show up and take oath of office........just like hundreds of thousands did when obama took office.........
I am just wondering.....
will any one of us spend money to travel to Delhi to witness the next swearing cermony, assuming it where held in an open place, lets say raj ghat or something like that.
I am wondering.....
when will that charismatic leader (with really good intentions and sence of direction) emerge? from, a billion? Why is it taking so long? Is the whole germ pool spoiled? why dont we get the good ones to lead such populated nations? I dont have a clue about where and with whom the problem lies....

Get Powar He can ask the IPL guys to bring some Cheer girls .

And Gowda is missing from the list. Last time when Lallu said 'Bring some Gadha/ Godha' He came again running saying I am Godha , I am Godha



psaxena01-19 01:28 PMwhat did you do to help IV fight?

Is IV fighting for all of us on this?

People are just discussing and discussing but nobody is doing anything. Are any lawyers doing anything?

hair Nicola Roberts: Cinderella#39;s nicola roberts 2011_03. Markham RobertsMarkham Roberts

eastindia01-15 12:07 PMIs IV fighting for all of us on this?

People are just discussing and discussing but nobody is doing anything. Are any lawyers doing anything?


nicola roberts 2011_03. For Emma Roberts And AlexaFor Emma Roberts And Alexa

sc309-23 04:16 PMDid it occur for a single moment that if some one gets out of the line, the line gets shorter? F Y I, This is NOT about me. This is about every one here. I did not dream of this situation which directly favors some one today. Simply, Not many folks knew it was going to be this bad. Folks who knew, kept quiet telling people that its NOT that bad. There is NOT going to be a single solution that benefits every one involved here. Let it be recapture, country limits or advanced degree exemption. Choice is (y)ours. We can decide to be the frogs in the well and pull the next frog down or we can work on making this pitch which can be palatable to sensible people, who understand the magnanimity of the situation

I am sorry, but ends do not justify the means. By calling people frogs in a well trying to pull down others, you are shutting down valid arguments and concerns.

If the only mentality is that if one gets out of line, the line gets shorter, there are various ways to achieve it (For example: just go on a killing spree targeting all EB applicants). We need something that is acceptable to both the politicians and the immigrants.

hot WIN A SET OF NICOLA ROBERTS nicola roberts 2011_03. Nicola Roberts and SarahNicola Roberts and Sarah

ita03-30 10:56 PMTo the person that gave me Red comment-to the post subject: why talk lies?

Did you read my post ?I said at the end of my post in bold that I believe human beings are all equal not matter what group they belong to.Where did you infer from that I hate minorities and I feel me or some group is special?

You want to let your anger/whatever dim your senses it's up to you.Don't attribute things I didn't say to me.


house First There Was Shoe Porn. nicola roberts 2011_03. Re: Nicola Roberts - Beat OfRe: Nicola Roberts - Beat Of

thepaew12-14 04:30 PMWell Said - I feel that this discussion is counterproductive. In my opinion (I am no lawyer but I feel strongly about this), there is no constitutional remedy available. The only accomplishment may be that we alienate non-Indian members.
I know what I am about to say will trigger a lot of reaction and some resentment, but it has to be said on behalf of those who are not Indian. I think the per country limit is to ensure that people of all nationalities and races have an equal opportunity to obtain a green card and to ensure that no one nationality, group, or even sector (i.e. IT) monopolizes the so few visas that are available. In fact, in the visa lottery, countries become excluded when the number of immigrants from them reach a certain point, so we are lucky they do not do that in the Employment-based system!

I think that by wanting to remove the per country limit so more Indians can avail of the green card quota is both asking for "special treatment" and a slap in the face for all the non-Indian IV members. The more I read the threads on this site, the more I feel that this organization is geared just to one ethnic group. I am sure that Indians probably make up the majority of members, but the founders of IV (I hope) did not want this organization to become one-sided! Please be considerate of ALL members and try to come up with suggestions that would benefit ALL members!!!:mad:

tattoo Nicola Roberts makes our cut nicola roberts 2011_03. check out the debut by Evilcheck out the debut by Evil

tikka07-03 10:39 PM tin

please DIGG

Thank you


pictures member, Nicola Roberts: nicola roberts 2011_03. Cats Eyes Ep reviewed at RoughCats Eyes Ep reviewed at Rough

peacocklover09-25 04:17 PMFantastic idea, it will bring OXYGEN to this bedridden economy. We need to contact real estate media channels like HDTV for the support to project through their media.

dresses Nicola Roberts and Sarah nicola roberts 2011_03. Re: Nicola Roberts - Beat OfRe: Nicola Roberts - Beat Of

tonyHK1201-13 01:05 PMI think you should start (not affiliated to IV) similar to

IV works in the interests of both EB2 and EB3 as amitjoey mentioned. we cannot create a Bill to get relief for only one category.
There already exists an very small, unsuccesful org for just EB3 that core is aware of, and they consider IV as their competitors because
1. They do not understand and know nothing of how IV works (just like plainspeak)
2. They want to get donations and members away from IV and make money

These statements give her away. This is what they do try to pressurize IV to do their agenda. Enough said. Ignore the sales agent. They are trying to incite a fight between EB2 and EB3 just to split IV.

I think you should start (not affiliated to IV) similar to
There is an old chinese saying

Be careful what you wish for it just might come true

One question i do have for all the members who have argued with me here. Have you seen all the discussion i have participated under and my other posts. Please do that before yelling that i was a member since 2006 and freeloader and all that. You need to do this because if i am you enemy (Scounderal, Liad weed, Anti Immgrant, Future USA etc) then don't you think to know your enemy is better.

The other posts were just a diversion to show you are not completely rogue. You just have a single agenda - to promote your organization.


makeup SLAYED. DEAD. COFFIN. WHAT? nicola roberts 2011_03. First There Was Shoe Porn.First There Was Shoe Porn.

Imm_Exploited07-25 12:22 AMOLDMONK - sam_i02 - BLIB

Here is my $.02 (or maybe 200 cents)

I am here since 2001 and my family joined me in 2002. I came here at a fairly grown up age and the reason for coming here is mainly for a better life for my family. I don't make enough money to be able to send and invest in India. In fact I was sent money (more than $10K) a few times from back home.

But I do make enough money here to be able to live in a good house and have a couple of cars. In India I couldn't have dreamed of a second car (I did have a car in India) and it would have been impossible for my kids to have a car when they are 16. I know for sure I have secured the future of my kids better here in the US than what it could have been for them in India. We are educated people and we keep reading about the successes of the Ambani Borthers, Rahul Gandhi and others. Our family with average IQs and wealth can only read the news but can never have a chance to have a go and succeed like those BIG WIGS in India. Here in the US, we definitely have a chance, to become at least a millionaire before we retire. As for my kids, they could be rich at a much younger age.

My PD is Oct. 2003 EB2 India (filed everything in June 2007) and I have sustained the wait for 4 years and I am willing to take on the stress for may be one more year for my family by which time we all should have our GCs. Moving to Canada? - I would rather start my own consulting company in Canada and go there once in a while (preferably in the summer) to enjoy the weather and to take care of my business.

Sincerely - IE

girlfriend check out the debut by Evil nicola roberts 2011_03. Brooke Roberts to createBrooke Roberts to create

kuhelica200002-15 04:33 PMThe reason we have greater supply of workforce in IT from one specific country is not because of skills or talents. Almost every IT workers from ROW and China came to the US as a foreign student after TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, internship and only then landed a job in IT. Whereas the preponderence of IT workers from India came here through L1/B1/H1 sponsorship through bodyshops. Attending school, preparing for generalized tests requires time, money and patience. This is one big factor why the supply curve is skewed.

Who is preventing people of ROW for applying H1b or Green card EB ? Employers look for availability of talent not for country of origin and anyone who competes in the global market wins. If ROW countries have less people with marketable skills or less people who want to work outside their countries,it is not the problem of Chinese or Indians. There is no logic with Employers being forced to wait for visa numbers to comply with diversity. There should be a FIFO system without any country of birth barriers. USCIS wastes more annual visa numbers due to these country caps. Lets make these guys fine tune this immigration system which is actually against the free market capitalist principles of this country.

hairstyles For Emma Roberts And Alexa nicola roberts 2011_03. Nicola Roberts ----- The GIRLSNicola Roberts ----- The GIRLS

gc2826209-26 11:13 AMI sent the email to my local congress man who has an anti-immigrant stance.

Here is the response I got from him( It is probably a standard response for financial crisis)

---message starts------
Thank you for contacting me regarding our country's financial crisis and the administration's bailout proposal. It is good to hear your thoughts on this very important situation facing our country and I share in your concerns.

As you know, Treasury Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke testified recently before Congress about their proposal to spend $700 billion to purchase the debt of financial institutions, improve our credit situation, and stabilize our economy. I reviewed the proposal carefully and, like you, I had serious concerns about this proposal such as the blanket authority removing Congressional or legal oversight, the implied reward for unwise financial behaviors at the expense of honest Americans, and the long-term expense to tax payers without a mechanism to press criminal charges upon those who are responsible for this situation.

As a consequence, I offered an alternative measure. According to the Department of Treasury, there are two problems that need to be addressed: the short term liquidity emergency, and the long-term toxic mortgage asset holdings. To address the liquidity emergency, my plan would reduce all personal and corporate capital gains taxes to zero percent for one year, reduce the Federal Funds Rate (FFR) to zero percent for one month with a reoccurring month to month option, and allow the Department of Treasury to loan current funds to lending institutions at the rate of inflation plus three percent or LIBOR plus three percent. This plan would get the markets moving and allow Congress adequate time to address the mortgage assets situation while we investigate those corporations or government regulators who may be criminally negligent.

One of my most important roles as your Congressman is to be a responsible steward of tax payer funds and, while my proposal remains an option, there are many proposals still being debated and it is unclear what the final product will look like. I will be sure to keep you informed of what happens as we move forward.

---message ends------

zen04-01 03:18 AMThis is certainly one of the popular thread ..why are we so concerned as to who the next PM will be ..are most of us in the forum so concerned because we may have to pack our bags and return to Mother India ?

eb2waiter05-14 02:04 AM......

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