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sbabunle04-28 08:23 PMNow its just a matter of time..I'm glad it is a rule now. I think
a ton of applications will end up in trash cans. Especially from these
consulting companies..

Only thing is that they have 45 day validity for approved labor.
Hope they extended it some more time.

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srini197609-23 06:23 PMThe only missing information to give an almost 90% accurate prediction of the visa bulletin movement are
1. Will DOS do spillover every quarter or only once every year?
2. What would be the number of eb2 and eb1 visa demand from ROW?

the answer to question 2 can be obtained by getting the number of pending PERM Eb2 petitions with DOL, if we get the answer to question 1 from DOS then we can predict the visa bulletin with almost 90% + accuracy.

I don’t think DOS will do a quarter spillover. If DOS does not do a quarter spillover then it will disastrous for EB2 India because there will be a either a repeat of August 2008 visa bulletin where they might move the visa bulletin up to 2006 or 2007 and basically they will give a visa to whoever irrespective of PD which means people with 2004 and 2005 might get left behind again while people from 2007 and 2007 might get GC or an even more disastrous situation might be that if DOL releases a ton of pending EB2 ROW perm applications they have been holding up for over an year in June-July-august 2010 time then DOS might not do a spillover at all for Eb2 India.

The key difference compared to last year is Pre-Adjudication and improved communication between DOS and USCIS.
If not all, Recent spate of approvals for EB 2 - I (based on spill over) - in first few weeks of September 2009 is itself a proof of their improved service (& Pre-Adjudication)

Most likely spill over should happen Quarterly. If not I agree with you - they can make everyone current in the last Quarter and approve irrespective of Priority Date. But its least likely to happen this year. But you never know about USCIS.

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gc102407-24 02:59 PMWhys is India never an option to go back? After all, the economy is booming isn't it?

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dummgelauft06-24 01:39 PMThis is what I received from a immigration lawyer ......


There are few things that clearly demonstrate the overarching need for immigration reform than the most recent information provided by the U.S. Department of State's (DOS) Visa Bulletin. The Visa Bulletin provides information on the availability of immigrant visa numbers, which dictates when foreign nationals may apply for green cards under various preference categories. The July installment of the Visa Bulletin shows complete unavailability for the vast majority of employment-based cases. Moreover, DOS projections show that demand for higher-preference green card categories could reach record levels, which would lead to backlogs in these categories where green card numbers were traditionally available in the past.

The Visa Bulletin establishes "cut-off" dates based on the demand for green cards versus the amount actually available under immigration law to each specific employment-based (and family-based) category per country for each fiscal year. As it assesses green card demand in relation to availability, the DOS may move these cut-off dates forward or back, or not at all. When the DOS believes that all immigrant visa numbers in a particular category will be exhausted (or allocated) by the end of a particular fiscal year (i.e., September 30th), it will indicate an "unavailability" of numbers (marked as "U") in the Visa Bulletin. The law prevents any single country from overuse of immigrant visa numbers during a particular fiscal year. As a result, foreign nationals born in countries from which there is significant immigration to the U.S. will typically have a separate "cut-off" date (and longer waiting times for an available green card number) in the Visa Bulletin.

An individual's priority date or "place in line" for a visa number under the employment-based categories is the date on which his or her employer files a labor certification or immigrant visa petition with the government. Individuals assigned priority dates that are earlier than the relevant preference category cut-off date noted in the Visa Bulletin are eligible to move to the last step in the employment-based green card process - either processing of an adjustment of status application with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), or processing of an immigrant visa at a U.S. consulate abroad. When the category is "unavailable," individuals cannot file for adjustment of status or receive an immigrant visa.

In the most recent Visa Bulletin, immigrant visa numbers continue to be unavailable for all third preference (EB-3) employment-based cases. Third preference cases comprise the majority of pending employment-based green card cases, as they include positions requiring at minimum either a bachelor's degree or two years of work experience.

The July Visa Bulletin indicates that the first, second and fourth and fifth preference employment categories remain current for July. However, since demand in the second. preference category for individuals from China and India exceeds the per-country limitations, these two countries have second-preference cut-off dates of January 2000.

Overall, the July Visa Bulletin continues a substantial decrease in green card availability over the government's 2009 fiscal year. Admittedly, the retrogression, or backward movement of the cut-off dates, has been more common for employment-based green card numbers in recent years. Yet the complete exhaustion of EB-3 numbers and the sharp decline in India and China's EB-2 numbers are staggering reversals given the slow yet steady improvement in these cut-off dates during the present fiscal year.

DOS has projected that, as a result of significant filings in the EB-4 and EB-5 categories, there will be fewer numbers to supplement the EB-1 and EB-2 categories. In previous years, thousands of unused EB-4 and EB-5 numbers "spilled over" into other preference categories. However, greater-than-anticipated EB-4 and EB-5 usage, as well as greater demand in the EB-1 category itself, will create an even greater dearth of available "spill over" immigrant visa numbers in the EB-2 category.

In addition, the DOS has indicated that the EB-1 category for individuals born in India or China may backlog or retrogress later this summer, and may do so again in the coming fiscal year. Predictably, prognostications for the EB-2 category for India and China are also quite grim - in the next month or two, the EB-2 category could become unavailable. In particular, USCIS has indicated that it has about 25,000 EB-2 India cases and "significant numbers" of cases for Chinese nationals that have been reviewed and are simply awaiting visa number availability. This category has a typical fiscal-year limit of 2,800, plus any remaining numbers from the EB-1, EB-4 and EB-5 categories.

With respect to the EB-3 category, the DOS has stated that the worldwide, China and Mexico quotas for the EB-3 category will become available again with the start of the new fiscal year in October 2009, with a projected cut-off date of March 1, 2003 for each. However, the EB-3 India quota may have a November 1, 2001 cut-off date.

The federal quotas limiting employment-based green card numbers have remained unchanged since 1990, nearly two decades ago. Since that time, the United States has undergone unprecedented expansion, technological development, and cultural diversification, in large part through immigration. During this progress, skilled immigrants have continued one of our country's oldest and proudest traditions - the search for better lives for their families, and the desire to contribute to and to participate in our free society. Still, these quotas remain stagnant, potentially stifling the future of our nation's ability in the 21st century to prosper as an economic competitor in our world, to build a broad-based infrastructure in our localities, and to live together as families in our homes.

A quarter-century prior to 1990, major revisions to the immigration quotas sparked a historic influx of individuals to our nation of immigrants. In 1965, this broad-based increase in immigration levels across all preference categories allowed some of the world's most talented individuals to come to our shores and share their knowledge as academics, increase our economic fortunes as innovators and entrepreneurs, build vibrant communities as leaders and organizers, and inspire with their tales of strife and triumph as refugees. For many ethnicities and nationalities, the "post-65" generation was the real beginning of their stories in America.

Faced with a major financial downturn and an increasingly competitive global economy, our country cannot choose the path of closed borders and restricted immigration. At this very moment, historically restrictive nations are expanding their immigration policies and attracting valuable immigrants otherwise bound for our shores.

Absent relief provided by potential legislation, there will be substantial backlogs for nationals of India and China in all categories for many years. Careful and strategic planning for employers and foreign nationals entering into or engaged in the immigrant visa process will be necessary while we continue to advocate zealously for reform to address these antiquated quotas.

These green card backlogs illustrate the need for comprehensive immigration reform. In particular, a long-overdue increase in employment-based green card availability would play a major role in making future generations of individuals feel welcome to come to our nation of immigrants and in spurring sorely needed innovation and prosperity.

..I am waiting for the punch line. What's the point of this? We all know it...


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sukhwinderd05-25 12:07 PM

you are much better of in india if you cant get GC in the US.

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svr_7605-12 02:13 PMI think this forum is the wrong place to discuss any of this. The thread must be deleted.


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gimmeacard07-28 04:08 PM#1 Landed in Texas in late 90's at a friends place. Friend took me to get SS# next day, dropped me at SS office during his lunch time and came in the evening at SS office to pick me up. While waiting outside, in a span of 20 minutes, had two people (one desi and another a colored person) approach me trying to befriend me...obviously I fall for it, second day and I meet such a nice person , offering me help if I needed. etc. Asked me for my cell or home #, I did not have any (was only going to stay at friends for few days and then going to Phoenix), so, i managed to get their business cards and I promised to call them.
In the evening, friend picked me up, told him what happened, he laughed and said "they already got you....unbelievable..hit in just one day of landing... I asked him to explain what was going on, he said he explained me everything. He mentioned that his brother-in-law will be at his home in the evening for dinner (an IBO), and asked me to tell him that I was not interested as I wanted to focus on career first. We go inside, he introduced to his BIL, BIL immediately asked me when I came and what I do, and that he has an excellent business offer for me, which he would discuss with me after dinner. My friend blinked at me, I told him that I had a business proposal for him as well. He was surprised and asked me what it was. I told him that when I was in India, I was a IBO and I wanted him to be an IBO, after listening to what I had to say.

He and my friend were astonished, my friend and his wife were laughing. BIL said he was going to talk about the same thing to me, I said, I am tired and if he already is a IBO, I will not talk about it at all, as I would rather sleep (jet lag). Got rid of him easily...

Incident #2: After moving to Phoenix in 8 days, landed at my Desi consultant's, got a 2 Bedroom townhome shared by total of4 people. One of them was active in AMWAY...asked me if I wanted to go to a business meeting followed by Tea/snacks. I told him I could come only if he stops by grocery store first as I wanted to buy stuff. I did not have car so needed his help for groceries etc. I went with him and few of other FOBs that he had managed to "capture" (New Bakras for him). Went to his friends house who was a new IBO and hosting tea party/(Bakra kato seminar) first time, so he had lot of food/snacks etc. I enjoyed the snack, slept in the mkt. speech. ate good food. Told him that I was already an IBO when the form signing ceremony started, friend was mad why I did not tell him, I told him that I should be mad at him for wasting my time and not telling me where and what this meeting was about. Had a fun at his expense :-)
in couple of weeks moved to Mid North East, where I did not face any AMWAY/QUI guy/s.

Good HUmor for a wednesday..

BTW, i lost a good old friend right in first week of landing, we worked @ same company in India(birlasoft), were happy to reach Uncle Sam, (he came before me)- asked me to join a meeting, will arrange pickup etc. somehow i missed the ride- LUCKY ME

next day again it started out - he never said what it was about who is involved etc.
i said no i dont think i would like to be involved, i was still calculating $1 = 45 Rupees, MCDONALD # 3 combo is Rs 300 oh lala, too expensive( YEAR 2000)

So my kanjusi paid off, see sometimes being lazy helps

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rajuram05-31 01:47 PMDo these figures include dependents??


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sanju02-16 09:37 AMWe have enough grounds for lawsuit without them.

That is one way to look at things. The important thing is, whether the Judge looks at the situation the same way. It will be tough job to convince the Judge. If you seek legal opinion from a lawyer, lawyers mostly tend to say that you have a case expecting that that lawyer will be the one filing the lawsuit (i.e. making the money). So be careful with the idea and advise from a lawyer.

And more importantly, even if 'we have a case', do we have folks who are willing to be plaintiff in this lawsuit. Are you or Googler or chandu (because he replied to my earlier posts suggesting that we will find someone to lead) willing to be the plaintiff, or are you encouraging others (putting the gun on other's shoulder to fire) to be the plaintiff. If you see that there is chance/value in filing lawsuit, why don't you decide to be the plaintiff? Either way, if you are a plaintiff or if you know someone who wants to be one, why don't you take this to IV team.

Say we have a case, then to go to the next step we need -

1.) Someone willing to take the initiative/lead
2.) Plaintiff
3.) Resources
4.) There maybe more that I am not able to think at this time, because I no experience of filing class action lawsuit.

How to find what we need to file lawsuit -

For (1.), I suggest someone willing to give out his/her name as plaintiff should contact IV. I saw that folks are discussing this on too, but that site is not a non-profit. That site is owned by some guy who is earning good money of off the ads on his site. He won't spend resources to file for lawsuit although he has made good money off of the woes of others tracking their green card case status. So the only viable option is to get IV involved.

For (2.), if you want to see this through, then, at least one of around 180 folks who voted for filing lawsuit should be willing to be the plaintiff. If not, then someone needs to make phone calls to find a possible plaintiff.

For (3.), as mentioned above, I don't know of any one organized effort other than IV to lead such an effort of a lawsuit.

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ksvreg09-24 12:08 PMGood Question though!

Worried that the data provided is inaccurate. If they provide accurate data (+/- 10%), follow the rules, then we can wait for our dates to turn in for years. But they always do math differently than any one else and move the visa bulletin dates which no one can understand how that was calculated.


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lazycis02-14 12:23 PMWatch and see how fast the Michigan government will start issuing DL to H1B holders and to those who has pending I-485.

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andy00707-04 12:42 PMFor my spouse, I've to take care of all the fees for I-485 / I-765 / I-131 / Biometric ( $325 + $180 + $170 + $ 70). For me, I've to take care only I-131 Fees ( $170). The Company Pays the fees only for my I-485 and I-765 and also take care of the Attorney Fees for both of us. They also reimburse the Medical Expenses, if the insurance does not cover the charges, only for Employee/ Primary applicant. For all dependents it is my responsibility.

You are right i did not mention EAD & AP, My Lawyer did not file for it.. so i don't have numbers for these.. sorry .. so Per Person it will be like Avg. > $3000.00 or more..


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rajsenthil05-02 07:10 AMThere are few people here trying to mislead the biggest problem. When the Indians support SL Tamils, it is not just ethnic affinity, it is also based on our country's own interest. If India could not handle a country like SL, then what else we can do. I dont like the way India handling this situation, completely ignoring the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Even today, there was bombing on the hospital. It has become common now to bomb schools and hospitals and trying to justify that.

I still find it hard to equate a person death > tens of 1000's of innocent people death.
But still wanting for more deaths. India should step in and stop this genocide. It is shame on us to turn our face and watching it.

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lazycis12-13 01:07 PMHere is what the Supreme Court said:

"The fact that all persons, aliens and citizens alike, are protected by the Due Process Clause does not lead to the further conclusion that all aliens are entitled to enjoy all the advantages of citizenship or, indeed, to the conclusion that all aliens must be placed in a single homogeneous legal classification. For a host of constitutional and statutory provisions rest on the premise that a legitimate distinction between citizens and aliens may justify attributes and benefits for one class not accorded to the other; and the class of aliens is itself a heterogeneous multitude of persons with a wide-ranging variety of ties to this country.
In the exercise of its broad power over naturalization and immigration, Congress regularly makes rules that would be unacceptable if applied to citizens. The exclusion of aliens and the reservation of the power to deport have no permissible counterpart in the Federal Government's power to regulate the conduct of its own citizenry. The fact that an Act of Congress treats aliens differently from citizens does not in itself imply that such disparate treatment is "invidious."
The real question presented by this case is not whether discrimination between citizens and aliens is permissible; rather, it is whether the statutory discrimination within the class of aliens - allowing benefits to some aliens but not to others - is permissible."

The SC concluded that the statutory discrimination within the class of aliens is permissible.


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vdlrao07-15 10:54 PMvdlrao,

True Eb2 will move and would not retrogress taking the new FY as a whole..but it becoming current by next Oct is a bit far fetched.

Remember in the first quarter of FY07 EB2 was U with all 01, 02, 03, and Jan-Mar 04 (mostly 03 as 01 and 02 were current for long and didn't have many in the labor backlog centers) used all the numbers. With several EB2's issued during the fiasco + 1st and 3rd quarter and into the 4th quarter, we are now slowly seeing everything till Mar 04 cleared up. It took almost a year to have 03 cleared up.

And you guess is 04-08 would get cleared in another year :p hard to believe!

04-08 would get cleared in another year ? : u may be righ IntheMoment. In 05 there are very less cases.
so there are 06 and 07 & 08. I presume even thugh it wont be current then the PD will be 1 or 1 and half year delay.

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bagha07-11 10:56 AMHere's my situation:
On H1 with company A since 2001. Current extension is valid till July 2010.
Eb3-India I-140 Approved, Filed I-485 more than 180 days ago.

Now I want to transfer my H1B using AC21. My questions are:
1. If my current employer revokes I-140 what are the implications on my I-485?
2. If I don't get my green card til my new H1B (after transfer) expires, do I get another extension even if my company A revokes my I-140?

Thanks in advance.


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jsb06-05 03:49 PMI guess many have mentioned this before.

Diversity should not be based on "country" as well. For example I can easily say that "India" has to be considered as "20 different countries", if it divided based on diversity. And probably many of the europian countries combined should be "1 country".

Means if the diversity quota is 100 per year, to call for proper diversity.....
2000 for India...
100 for many of the european countries combined....

(Note: I didn't mean "ALL of europe", I know that whole Europe is pretty diverse as well...)

Country based "diversity" doesn't make sense at all.

We are not discussing justifications of US laws. We are trying to find ways within the existing laws, for speeding up our cases.

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gc_chahiye06-28 08:16 PMAs per Macaca's logic, pre Oct 2005 PDs will take up all the numbers available for EB2 Indai for 2007, in June and July.

If that is the case why was the Bulletin for july not set to Oct or Nov 2005 and instead made current. Surely USCIS does not want to deal with all the extra workload if it does not have to.

DOS/USCIS know the truth, but going by the Ombudsman's report, they want to use up visa numbers as fast as they can. So if they have 30K applications sitting, just waiting for visa numbers, now with everything set to C, they can blindly start approving without even seeing what the date on those apps is.
Also, with EB3-ROW being 'C' they dont even need to worry about per-country limits. Just pick up the next almost-approved file, assign visa number, mail out. repeat.

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kuhelica200002-15 04:33 PMThe reason we have greater supply of workforce in IT from one specific country is not because of skills or talents. Almost every IT workers from ROW and China came to the US as a foreign student after TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, internship and only then landed a job in IT. Whereas the preponderence of IT workers from India came here through L1/B1/H1 sponsorship through bodyshops. Attending school, preparing for generalized tests requires time, money and patience. This is one big factor why the supply curve is skewed.

Who is preventing people of ROW for applying H1b or Green card EB ? Employers look for availability of talent not for country of origin and anyone who competes in the global market wins. If ROW countries have less people with marketable skills or less people who want to work outside their countries,it is not the problem of Chinese or Indians. There is no logic with Employers being forced to wait for visa numbers to comply with diversity. There should be a FIFO system without any country of birth barriers. USCIS wastes more annual visa numbers due to these country caps. Lets make these guys fine tune this immigration system which is actually against the free market capitalist principles of this country.

vedicman01-14 08:46 AMI don't see anything wrong PlainSpeak's suggestion but I can't comment on if her suggestion is workable or not. But we can just explain what is right or wrong instead of getting into fight mode.
How is misleading members not wrong? Check willigetgc's response

It would be great place to share ideas (good, bad, right, wrong) if those uncivilized response is reduced. The lesser the uncivilized response more the people willing to join hands.
Sharing ideas are good. But if you looked at plainspeak first post he was pretty much goading members to come after him.

There are great people like amitjoey who convey the message in more civilized way (as far as I have seen) and help others (its not easy to post 1100+ posts....). I am new to this country and have very less experience and knowledge to share. But I hope one day I can guide/help some people like amitjoey.
Couldn't agree with you more!

Reason for me to share my thought is amitjoey, otherwise I would have just gone through the thread and felt bad about this forum for uncivilized comments. I am not into any group yet (Eb2/3) as my comp is not going to sponsor gc as per new policy, so I don't belong to any group (or we can say group who's gc never filed). When I read PlainSpeak's comment I thought she was right and after reading amitjoey's comment I learned another view for this issue. After reading those two comments I understand the issue and why IV took different direction or direction different from PlainSpeak's. But when I continued reading this thread I felt why some educated people with good intentions have bad thoughts and respond to others in uncivilized way. In the whole thread only two comments make's sense to me rest doesn't belong/fit to this forum.
Plainspeak posted his view, few agreed with him, most disagreed - but he (My traditional upbringing does not allow me to think a girl can be so confrontational with strangers - so I will go on considering plainspeak as a man) kept up with his goading responding to each member. I cannot think of anyone with good intentions spending time to respond to comments that are not worthwhile.......

Lets get more new members and be civilized to gain confident which will gain more strength to the forum.

Let me see if I understand PlainSpeak's language:
1. IV core needs to put a lot of resources to lobby for the DV bill, knowing full well that this bill will go nowhere!

2. Raise a false sense of hope among the EB3 community, again, knowing full well that its going to be dashed - just so that IV gains the trust of EB3 (I am EB3, and they have my trust without your logic!)

3. An exercise to gain trust by misleading!:D

I wonder why IV core did not come up with this brilliant idea ;)

My responses are in blue

My advice to you, this forum gives members a chance to voice their problems and many members help with suggestions and experiences. IV works for relieving our problems - and if their intentions are on our side, we need to help them and not fight amongst us or them. Judge by what the administrators of this org say.

Openarms08-17 03:35 PMWell - world is definitely a beautiful place. World is beautiful because of beautiful good people. Like there is a saying "How is house different from a home? House maybe be beatiful and big but it is a home ONLY if it is a happy place to live" and making the world our home lies in how we make sure that it is a happy place to live.

While your approach towards solving the problems is "education" in my opinion education does help, but that is NOT the only factor. Change happens gradually. Don't we all agree that the most educated people might be the biggest "problem creators"

WRT snathan - he is a personal friend and I know him. He is sympathetic towards poor and downtrodden and wants to fight against injustice etc.....

To snathan - to understand things in a better perspective, I recommend that you try this. Invite 30 hungry, poor, starving people to your house and provide them with food, education, good life and ask them to seek opportunities to better themselves. You may face the following

(1) People may get more demanding
(2) They may fight among themselves
(3) Some might steal from you
(4) Some might get into unethical activities
(5) Some might disrespect you and step over you
(6) They may show more respect to those who did not care for them and curse you for some silly reason.

You might find some good people who really do what you intend them to do.

Why I say this is - there is no GOOD POOR MAN nor BAD RICH MAN - different people behave different in different circumstances.

Did you know that India's independence struggle, American civil liberty struggle were all funded by rich businessmen - they trusted the leaders and gave a lot of money for campaigns for them to be successful.

You think like Donald Trump, start learning how Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and good many other folks think... Once they become who they are now they realized that they are bigger and able to do some good for their country/world. How about Trump, once he became Trump he just stayed there... So now when has to given respect who would you give respect?????

SRK, Politicians and Business Tycoons can learn in life try to do some good for their country / world so they can be respected and worshiped.

I do not want SRK to become a Mother Theresa, Bill Gates or even Warren Buffet all of a sudden.. he may never be able to after all...try to be at least a 30% of a man who himself portrays in his films as HERO - an ideal man.

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