Award : Best Blog

I've just received an award by 3 lovely bloggers, Madeline from *Cappuccino and fashion*, MaryElizabeth from Little Ramblings and Lauren from Adventures of a nomad just trying to find her way. If you haven't already, check out these blogs. They are some of my personal favorites too.
Thank you girls!

The Rules of this award are:

1. Link back to the person who awarded this to you

*Cappuccino and fashion
Little Ramblings
Adventures of a nomad just trying to find her way
2. Share 7 random things about yourself

- I read daily celebrity gossip
- I love LA
- I like going to the movies
- I like wearing beanies, headbands and fedoras
- My bff is my cousin
- I always wear Clinique Face Protector (even in winter)
- I am a huge Twilight fan

3. Award 15 blogs

One Style at a Time 
Fashion for Jo Jo
Style~ Spotlighted
Intro To Beauty
This Lady Behaves
Cosa mi metto?
From a Stylish Point of View 
The Only Ten You See 
Winter Bag 
Sorelle in Style 
Rack and Sack

4. Answer the following questions
Your favorite color: Pink
Your favorite song: Cry me a River by the one and only Justin Timberlake
Your favorite dessert: Cheesecake
What is pissing you off: When someone doesn't call or text me back
When you 're upset, you: Listen to music
Your favorite pet: I only had a bird, Tweety
Black or White: Black
Biggest fear: Cockroaches
Best feature: My nails
Everyday attitude: I am eternally optimistic
What is perfection: Hawaii
Guilty pleasure: Chocolate

I guess that's all. Thank you again for the award! It really made my day!
xoxo Elina

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