Sun BakedFeb 13, 06:22 AMI've been a member of these forums for a long time now, and I really like it here, I've learnt a lot and had a lot of fun too. But, to move to the next level and actually become part of the MR team it is obvious to any idiot (even me!) that some of my old habits have to die, and I do need to be able to account for my actions. So yes, my posting may have changed slightly, but without that change my name wouldn't be in this list now, and I wouldn't be able to wasteland that spam!! :D
Evolution...;) :)Which leads us to the other part of that post...
"Battle of the Hottest Avatars" & "Let the battle commence!"
You already know where that'll lead, lot's of complaints.
So that rally call may not be a good idea.
Heck I get enough complaints about my tar choices as it is, how many compaints would that thread generate?
OrangeSVTguyApr 23, 12:43 AMI have my office on the first floor but just going to turn it into a guest bedroom and move my office to the basement. It's always cold down there so I'll be able to run all my clients again. 6 cores at 4.2ghz puts of quite a bit of heat even with 1.27v. 4 GPUs @ 900mhz puts off quite a bit too lol.
Apple CorpsMar 24, 10:55 AMWhere do people get this stuff?
rdowns - let me give a +1 on your comment. Our MR forums community is getting more and more clogged up with this mindless babble / garbage. It really detracts from the value of the forums.
leekohlerApr 27, 09:24 PMThe male having a bruised ego because a lesbian isn't interested in him is just as cliche as the man-hating lesbian. I was being a bit sarcastic.
You should see the bruised ego when a gay man tells a straight man he's not attracted to him. Trust me, that one stings. For some reason, straight guys think we all think they're hot or something.
Straight boys, most of you stop being hot after 25-30, when you're married and you beer bellies have taken over, and instead of playing sports, all you do is watch them on TV (which, even if you continue to play, is about the time we start kicking your asses) :). Why would you think we would find that attractive? Most of you have nothing to worry about.
AP_piano295Apr 5, 06:30 PMFair enough. I'd be interested in your thoughts on Post No. 50, if you have any.
If your interested my thoughts on post 50 is that it fundamentally misses the point.
Everyone understands that we live in a world which contains certain dangers which can be mitigated by changing our behaviors.
-Don't walk down dark alleys at 3am by yourself etc...
That isn't the point of this conversation, were all talking about BLAMING the victim in this case. Just because a victim makes a bad decision does not remove their reasonable expectation of safety.
If your start blaming victims for the crimes committed against them (and thus suggesting that the crime is ultimately their fault and within their control) it opens up a number of frightening possibilities.
-Mandated dress codes (for womens protection)
-Mandated curfew (because its dangerous to be outside at night)
Regardless of a persons bad decisions, we should not be blaming victims, we should always recognize that blame lays ONLY with the perpetrator of the crime. To do anything else generates a slippery slope which goes like this....
-Women must wear clothes that hide their knees
-Women must wear clothes that hide their calves
-Women must wear clothes that hide their ankles
-Women must hide all bare skin
-Women must never leave the home without being accompanied by a man to protect them
....All in the name of protecting women from assault.
Hawkeye411Mar 27, 08:58 PMWoot. Looks like eBay cancelled the auction!!
mnkeybsnessNov 11, 09:02 AMhave you read the how to for configuring with php (http://www.iodbc.org/index.php?page=languages/php/odbc-phpHOWTO#php101869712)?

mpramodjainApr 11, 03:10 AMHi,
After a long time..
Is there any API Support for the air share concept implementation in the iOS SDK.
Please let us know if any had implemented.
Though Air Share (http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/air-sharing/id289943355?mt=8) itunes app is using WebDAV protocol, not much idea of implementation was found me.
Please share any snippets...
Thanks in advance
Reach9Mar 23, 04:58 PM11...21...31...whatever the age ones mode of attire is not an invitation or deterrent to rape. I swear some of the characters are straight out of "The Handmaid's Tale".
Sorry but you need to come out of your fantasy world.
Is rape wrong? Yes.
Is dressing provocatively stupid? Yes.
If i was walking down an alley in the middle of the night and if i was stabbed, then sure the suspect would be in trouble, but i would be the idiot for walking down that alley at night.
CodeRavenOct 2, 05:55 PMHere's mine for October. Gave up the stock Mail.app for Postbox 2.0.
Could you post a link to the original? I really like that.

G5UnitMar 30, 06:47 PMI am returning my Xbox 360 for another one yet I can;t do the whole Harddrive swap thing. Is there anyway to get all my saved games from Xbox Live when I get my new xbox?
chris200x9Mar 17, 03:57 PMThe event in itself is incredibly despicable and very sad, but to add insult to injury by saying something unbelievably stupid and downright mean? Seriously do these people think before they speak? All I can say is wtf is wrong with people.
badlydrawnOct 15, 07:02 AMdualscreen, 2nd 90degree portrait mode. Image was from http://ameblo.jp/tokyogenso/

PooshkaOct 9, 08:51 PMWait a sec, so it's gonna be $3 for each major update???
DeusInvictus7Dec 1, 01:03 PMMarvel pic
Go Marvel!
Here's mine:
Sweetfeld28Apr 6, 12:24 PMThat is a tremendous amount of storage. Does anyone know if this is even comparable to Google?

KieranicDec 3, 02:58 AMThanks a lot buddy.
Can't wait for the new album. Already pre-ordered and everything.
Thanks once again :)
No problem :)
CDCCMar 27, 07:47 PMI think google has a lock on the map thing. I can't see apple employees driving around remapping the world to get their own data base
Are you totally clueless?
devilotSep 17, 11:53 AMI did one search for 'secrets' and found the thread here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=142247&highlight=secrets).
SutureApr 5, 06:38 AMNow I know what to do with the extra vacation days I have...
SamaritanJan 9, 06:20 PMOn reflection, a little.. I wonder if Mr Jobs is being incredibly clever..
Like, I'd put money on Mr Gates et al at Microsoft sitting there going
"What the... iPhone? ok, fair enough. But he didn't mention 10.5.. we trumpeted Vista and he said nothing in response?? And no new hardware? No new apps? Ok, now I'm worried..."
We will never know the strategy behind it, but I suspect in corporate circles there are some worried looks, and probably some massive over analysis sessions happening right about now...
VegasmanApr 4, 01:42 PMThe difference is not whether or not they have it, the difference is whether or not they can sell it to "Companies which offer something they think I might be interested in".
For which FT allows you to opt out.
BenjamindainesDec 28, 08:23 PMNo you cannot, iMovie only sees FireWire cameras the built-in iSight is wired through USB.
EDIT: Im going to look into the resource files to see if I can get it to see USB cams.
techfreak85Jan 7, 10:45 PMThe title of this thread made me think there was an origami competition. :)
Anyway, I just joined the MacRumors team.
Thanks man! Did you get a passkey? :)
Posted by
2:21 AM
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