When in LA : Universal Studios

A few months ago I travelled with my sis to Los Angeles from Greece. We were visiting our beloved cousin and stayed there 2 and a half weeks. For me it was the perfect trip, although it was my second time in La La Land. We had a great time and did tons of stuff, I' ll probably write a post about the trip soon.
Today, I just wanna share with you guys one of our craziest days, the one we visited Universal Studios in Hollywood. It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! We took the studio tour, all rides (my fave was by far the Simpsons ride), watched some shows (Shrek included) and embraced our fears at House of Horrors (OMG you can't even imagine how scary it was). We stayed there from 11am to 6pm and had the time of our lives. The highlight was the food; I got to try a cinnamon roll at Cinnabon and I looooved it! Anyway, enjoy some photos and visit asap!

Arriving at the studios (it was a cloudy and rather cold -for LA- day)

My sister, Kate


King Kong

The Jamba Juice store

Ben & Jerry's store

Me (with the much needed studio map)

Me at the "Hollywood sign"

Studio ride : "Central Park"

"Jaws" set

"Desperate Housewives" set (they were filming at the time)

"War of Worlds" set

Heading home

*I was wearing:
Banana Republic pink sweater
BDG plaid shirt
Leather jacket (birthday present from my mother)
Levi's skinny jeans
Ugg boots in sand
Rayban sunnies in blue

I hope you enjoyed the photos! My advice? Buy the "Front of Line" pass, at least that was what we did and we managed to take all rides several times. I mean the place is overcrowded. Have you ever been there? What's your favorite ride or highlight?
xoxo Elina

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